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How to Create Content for your Faith-Based Blog

It’s funny how God can work sometimes. I was a little frustrated because I didn’t meet my deadline to have a post by Friday. It was now Friday and I woke up trying to think of my next strategy to stay on task. As I was leaving for work defeated, I received a message from a young lady, she was having writer’s block and was frustrated therefore she asked, “how do I come up with content for my blog?”

Here I was mad that I couldn’t post any new content, and someone was basically asking me how to create content. The first lesson of that day was, "you are not as behind as you think". Therefore, thanks to her question it has inspired me to write about this very topic. So, how do you create content for your faith-based blog?

# 1 Find Inspiration In EVERYTHING

I listen to a lot of sermons within the week and sometimes tutorials and interviews. I get inspired by all of it. Even some conversations I have, inspire me. If you notice, in most of my blogs, I write in first person and then in second. I always like to include myself because I am also growing with my audience. My inspiration comes mainly from my experiences, feelings or shortcomings.

As a faith-based blogger you want to remember to be a light and inspire people back to Christ as you are creating content. It is not about you receiving the praise, but that God receives ALL the Glory.

# 2 Stick to your Niche and Underlying Theme

Now I will be honest and say I am still sharpening this part of my blog, but it is so important to stick to your niche and theme. Being a faith-based blogger, your niche is automatically religion or faith, but the mission or theme for your blog is what will make you stand out from others. What is your mission or theme?

Ask yourself this, “My blog is here to” (fill in the blank). I have recently refined my mission to “inspiring others in the area of life, vision, and faith.” Your content should always refer to the original mission. Try to stay away from writing about many topics outside of your mission. Doing this can confuse your audience on what to come to you for.

#3 Answer the Questions that Need an Answer

Google receives the most questions by people a day and is the largest search engine to date. Everyone is always looking for answers, and you can provide those answers. Try going on google and searching, what are people looking for concerning your blog's theme or topic? Use the result to see what people are asking about that topic. You can find content to write on by knowing what people need help, and have questions on.

#4 Don't throw away content

I don’t throw away my unused content. This tip is me telling you to keep on writing. I have many blogs I have written that are not yet finished or may never get published, but I continue to keep them and create more. I get writer's block like most people but what I try to do is never throw away previous content.

Keeping a journal or an electronic folder can help you to go back and see what space you were in before. You can then go back and finish the content you previously started. There was a time when I began writing a blog that I couldn’t finish. I then came back to it after a couple of months and was able to finish it because I had gained a new perspective on the topic. Therefore, don’t throw away what you started, and keep on producing.

#5 Have a real Relationship with God

This is the most important tip. If God truly called you to be a faith-based blogger there is something He wants you to write about concerning this call. The only way to know this info is to stay in constant contact with God. I know that it may be difficult, and you may find yourself falling off due to the demand for creating content. However, seek Him FIRST. Not having a real relationship with God keeps us away from all the revelations and secrets God wants to tell us.

Also, your content does not equate to a relationship with God. Don’t let the time you create content replace your time spent with God. Be intentional about being focus on God. I struggle with thinking about a million and one things I need to get done as I am in prayer. I tried praying about what I notice was distracting me to refocus the moment back to God. Just remember your blog is not your relationship with God, so make sure you have a real one with Him.

I hope this helped all my faith-based bloggers out there! Don’t think so much about your content but the people that you are called to. Think about them and how your blog can help them.


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