I am ready for a conversation unreserved and real. One that can encourage, empower, and give out knowledge.
"It is time for us to get it, before it goes".
Natural vision is seen through our eyes. This vision only shows us what is in the now. This vision also comes with limitations. But our true vision shows us what is to come and the possibilities can be endless. Vision isn’t just sight, but it’s a story that is written for you; it is cast, narrated, and experienced by you. We think of our eyes as binoculars to look out However, it isn’t the ability to just look out, but to look in.
The Art of Vision is here to show you this. What makes art, art is that you feel it from anyone of your senses. It's expressive, creative, emotional and powerful. Your vision has the power to do the same, there is power in your purpose of who you are. I want to help you see what was there in the beginning through inspiration from my blogs. Let this now be a new art form for you,
the Art of Vision.
Your Vision can't be broken, but your story can be changed

As a newly-passionate motivational blogger, I want to inspire all those around me to question and understand their position in Christ and in life. I want us to grow in His word together as he intended for the people of His church.
I grew up with a Christian background, reserved and sheltered. I questioned nothing. I did not examine or study anything to show myself approved as 2 Corinthians 13:5 states. My relationship with God was what was taught to me on how it should be rather than the Truth in what He was calling it to be. I walked vicariously through others’ relationship with Him and mimicked what my own should look like. Despite this fact, God wanted me to truly know Him and to firmly assure what it was and who it was that I believed. He asked me two very clear questions that brought me to this point: What does my word say about me and where does your strength lie? I had to get to the core of why my relationship with Him was where it was. I know we all have been there before or may currently be facing this. This site is not a soapbox for me to rant and rave about God, but instead it is a medium through which to give tools and life experiences that show His glory in different aspects of our daily walk with Him.
All I wanted while growing up was for someone to understand me: For someone to “get” me. So I hope I can provide a blessing and an extension of how I am finally "getting it". The Bible says, "My people perish for a lack of knowledge.” Obviously, there is something we are missing and He calling us to GET IT. So let's GET IT before it goes. I just love learning new things and rushing to tell someone about it, can't wait to share!